
黒ずんだアクセサリーを家庭でキレイに磨く方法 | How to Clean Tarnished Jewelry at Home


When you see tarnished jewelry, you might think, “It was so shiny when I bought it.” Today, we will introduce how to clean your jewelry at home.

金属が黒ずむ原因 | Causes of Tarnishing


Precious metals used in jewelry and accessories gradually tarnish when exposed to air for a long time. This phenomenon is caused by a reaction called sulfuration.

黒ずみ除去のために用意するもの | Items Needed to Remove Tarnish


Let’s introduce the items needed to remove tarnish.

  • 重曹 (Baking soda)
    • 薬局などで購入可能です。粒子が荒いものと細かいものがあります。最初は粒子が細かいものがオススメです。荒い粒子のものは黒ずみもよく取れますが、ピカピカな金属面には小傷ができやすいです。粒子が細かいものは、荒いものに比べて黒ずみが取れづらいですが、表面に入る傷もそのぶん目立ちづらいです。
    • Available at pharmacies. It comes in coarse and fine particles. It is recommended to start with fine particles. Coarse particles remove tarnish better but can scratch polished metal surfaces. Fine particles are less effective at removing tarnish but cause less visible scratching.
  • ハブラシ (Toothbrush)
    • 重曹同様、最初は毛先が柔らかいものがオススメです。指では入らないような隙間の黒ずみを取るために使用します。
    • Like baking soda, a toothbrush with soft bristles is recommended at first. It is used to remove tarnish from small crevices that fingers can’t reach.

アクセサリーの黒ずみ除去方法 | Method for Removing Tarnish from Jewelry


Let’s explain the method for removing tarnish from jewelry.

  1. アクセサリーを水につける: アクセサリーを水に浸します。
  2. 重曹やブラシでこする: 重曹をつけたハブラシで優しくこすります。
  3. 最後に水で洗い流す: 最後に水でしっかりと洗い流します。

  1. Soak the jewelry in water: Immerse the jewelry in water.
  2. Scrub with baking soda and a toothbrush: Gently scrub with a toothbrush dipped in baking soda.
  3. Rinse with water: Rinse thoroughly with water.

重曹を使う際の注意点 | Caution When Using Baking Soda


Polishing jewelry with baking soda can create small scratches on the surface. Generally, this method is not recommended. If you want to safely and thoroughly clean your jewelry, it is best to consult a professional jeweler.

アクセサリー研磨作業のご依頼 | Request for Jewelry Polishing Service


NIJICOYA Jewelry also accepts requests for polishing work.

  • 作業料: 2,200円~+手数料1,100円
    • Service fee: 2,200 yen + handling fee of 1,100 yen


If you want your precious jewelry to be cleaned by a professional, please use our service.
