
指輪のサイズお直し | Ring Resizing Service


Have you ever experienced your ring not fitting anymore because your finger size has changed? Rings can become too big or too small for various reasons, and it’s especially disappointing when they are expensive or hold sentimental value.

指輪のサイズ変更 | Ring Resizing


At NIJICOYA Jewelry, we offer resizing services to adjust the size of your rings. We can make rings larger or smaller as needed.

<指輪サイズ直しの料金 | Ring Resizing Fees> 3,300円〜 ※素材や形状、サイズ変更の度合いによって、料金が変動します。

  • 3,300 yen and up
  • Fees vary depending on the material, shape, and degree of size change.

指輪のサイズ変更作業 | Ring Resizing Process


What methods are used to resize rings?

<リングサイズ直し例 | Example of Ring Resizing>


For a size increase of about 1 size, the ring is stretched by hammering it with a mallet.

10号→11号 | Size 10 to Size 11

  1. 指輪を熱する | Heat the Ring 金属が延びやすいように、初めにガスバーナーで指輪を熱します。
    • Heat the ring with a gas burner to make the metal more malleable.
  2. 指輪を叩く | Hammer the Ring 形が崩れないように、指輪を鉄の丸棒に差し込み、木槌で全体を叩きます。こまめにサイズをチェックしながら作業します。
    • Insert the ring onto a metal mandrel and hammer it with a wooden mallet to avoid deforming the shape. Frequently check the size during the process.
  3. 形を整える | Shape the Ring 木槌で叩くと表面が荒れるので、全体を削って形を整えます。
    • Hammering roughens the surface, so file and shape the ring to smooth it.
  4. 最終仕上げ | Final Finish 品物の最初の仕上げに戻します。今回の場合は艶消し加工で仕上げました。
    • Return the ring to its original finish. In this case, we used a matte finish.
  5. 完成 | Completion
    • Finished.

指輪のサイズ変更価格表 | Ring Resizing Price List


Here is the price list for ring resizing.

<指輪サイズ直しの料金 | Ring Resizing Fees> 3,300円〜 ※素材や形状、サイズ変更の度合いによって、料金が変動します。

  • 3,300 yen and up
  • Fees vary depending on the material, shape, and degree of size change.


If you are considering resizing your ring, please come to NIJICOYA Jewelry!
